Uh Oh. I’ve made a list of 10 things I can no longer tolerate now I am old and grumpy. Is this the end?! I guess I need to order my Senior Citizen Mug. Sometimes being old is synonymous with being grumpy. Although I refuse to accept that we are old in our thirties, I am definitely becoming less tolerant to certain things in life. I think that is what is meant by grumpy. And, maybe more worryingly, I am becoming more comfortable to speak out against those things.
I haven’t figured out if this is a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, I feel pretty empowered to be confident enough to speak my mind. But on the other hand I wonder if it is my place to do so. I don’t want to be that annoying person. What do you think? Is speaking out justified or just I should pipe down? In no particular order, here are the 10 things I can no longer tolerate now I am old and grumpy;
Broken Promises
Promises is even a bit strong. Really, it frustrates me when people say they will do something and then they don’t do it. This can be in a personal or professional context. And it can be big or small. Yes I get it, we are all busy. However, don’t commit to doing something if you cannot follow through on it. It is at the point now where I am actually surprised when someone keeps their word. What ever happened to a man’s word being his bond?
Weight Related Comments
We all judge how others look. It’s a sad truth. But we don’t always have to say it. I hate when people comment on other people’s weight, even if they are slim. Yes it is just as bad to comment on someone who is slim. But there is less acceptance that that is a bad thing. Everyone knows we shouldn’t call someone fat. So, apply the same rule to any other body type. And stop commenting at all.
People Who Talk At The Movies
Why did you pay to watch a movie, if you are going to talk at full volume throughout the entire thing? And whispering is no better. On more than one occasion, I have been the person to ssshhhhh the talkers. And I’ll do it again. Please, stay at home if you want to talk.

Creepy Men
I can no longer tolerate creepy men. Yes men. Of course, not all men. But a woman has never done this to me. And this is not part of the “Me Too” movement or hopping on the empower women bandwagon. I am just sick of creepy men.
Looking at me. And talking to me. Making comments about me. Touching me in bars. I don’t care if they mean no harm. And I have no sympathy for the fact they don’t know how to approach women. I am sorry if they are lonely. But how is that my problem? And I know all women will understand this. It’s not just me, I’m not special. But I am sick of it.
Small Talk
I admit, we all have to tolerate some small talk. It is part of life and I accept that. However, I have a limited tolerance for this now. It tires me out. In truth, I’d rather sit at home alone than engage in idle small talk with people who have nothing in common with me.
Negative Nancy's
I know, I am writing a post complaining. Don’t worry, the irony is not lost on me. However I can’t stand negative Nancy’s. These are the people who have the ability to turn everything into a negative. And for no good reason.
In my experience these people like to complain about everything in their lives but never take any action to improve their situation. I once lived with someone like this for 2 months and I had to leave for my own mental health. Honestly, it’s much easier to look on the bright side and be around people who do too.
Nosey People

You know the kind, they are just a little bit too curious about everyone else’s business. They want to know everything about you, just so they can go ahead and share it with someone else. These days, if I sense someone is overly curious, I like to tell them lies to see how far they spread them. It makes it a bit easier to deal with.
This shouldn’t bother me as much as it does. But I dislike when people get behind a cause when it is popular and fashionable. And honestly if people can accept they are band-wagoners I have no issue. I hop on the bandwagon for big sporting events regularly and I admit it.
The thing that irks me is when people claim this has been their life long passion yet they didn’t know about it a month ago. In conversation they will fight you to the death to defend their new found passion, without any real knowledge.
Me Me Me
Have you ever met someone who manages to make everything about them? Yes, those people. I recently saw this in action where someone was sharing very exciting life news that they were engaged to be married.
The Me Me Me person, immediately piped up “This reminds me of when I got engaged” and then proceeded to tell the story of their engagement, years before. Let’s remember to allow people to have their moment when it is their moment.
Nay Sayers
I have no time for people who criticise and oppose everything. People who highlight problems but never suggest solutions. I see this a lot at work and I bite my tongue. Check out: How To Deal With Annoying Co-Workers. However the times when the nay sayers really get under my skin is when they cast unsolicited judgement on people who are working to better themselves.
They tell us why an idea won’t work or why something we are trying is a waste of time. At times like that I like to remember this quote “You will never be criticised by someone who is doing more than you”
There you have it 10 Things I can no longer tolerate now I am old and grumpy – do any of them resonate with you? Do you think I am being too pedantic? Sometimes I speak out and sometimes I bite my tongue. Other times I have fun with it. Do you think it is ever our place to say something or should we just shut up and put up? What irks you the most? Please let me know I am not alone by sharing your list in the comments!
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