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15 Unique First Date Ideas That Will Make Dating Fun Again

Couple on first date

Whether you’re newly single or have been taking a break from dating because let’s be honest, it’s not always fun and games. 

But now you’re ready to jump back on that dating horse! That’s great, but dating and first dates in particular can be a bit… meh. Especially if all you are doing is meeting for a drink. 

I don’t like to be sexist but it sometimes feels like men have no imagination when it comes to date ideas. I’m not sure whether they are afraid of suggesting something out of the norm, but whatever the reason someone needs to tell them that their favourite Mexican restaurant and local bar isn’t going to cut it anymore.

This means it’s up to you to make some first date suggestions. OR send this to your male pals as a subtle hint. Either way you’ve come to the right place for inspiration because we’ve got 15 unique first date ideas that I promise will make dating fun again!

Two people horse-riding and holding hands on a first date

1. Rock climbing / Bouldering

Rock climbing or bouldering is a relaxed and non-serious first date. Especially if you’re not in the mood to go through someone’s family history just because you’ve run out of questions over dinner. 

Climbing up the side of a wall means you can’t constantly be engaged in conversation, it’s fun and a workout all in 1, so give this a try!

2. Wine & Cheese Tasting

If you’re not looking for something too active but you still want an activity for a first date then Wine & Cheese tasting is ideal. Providing neither of you are sober or lactose intolerant! 

It’s still an opportunity to get dressed up and have a conversation without anything being too serious. You’ll also have breaks when the sommelier talks to you about each wine and cheese. Perfect if you’re worried about the first date being awkward.

Trust me, even if you know nothing about wine and cheese, this is just for a bit of fun and doesn’t need to be taken seriously.

3. Cocktail Making Class

A cocktail making class is another first date that’s fun and relaxed with opportunities to speak but not be engaged in conversation constantly, which we all know can get awkard.

You will likely be part of a class too so there will be other people to chat to giving you a chance to get to know your date without it being full on. Plus you get to learn a new skill!

4. Picnic With A Twist

Picnics can sometimes feel intense for a first date, so you need to make it more fun and less romantic. Because although a bit of romance is a good thing, picnics can be a little OTT for a first date. 

But, “how do I make it fun?”, I hear you ask! You could pick a theme and each person has to cook something relating to the theme. You can bring games like cards, or scrabble.

There are plenty of ways to make picnics feel more relaxed for a first date. And don’t forget to check the weather beforehand!

5. Visit A Local Market

There’s nothing more dreamy than spending a Sunday morning wandering around a local farmers market. When it’s a first date you can have some casual chats, try handmade food, grab a coffee and purchase local produce. Easy, breezy date idea!

6. Comedy Club

Comedy clubs are a fantastic first date to see if you both have the same sense of humour. Although it doesn’t give you any time to get to know the each other, you can always meet before or go for a drink after. 

Avoid sitting in the front, unless you want to get picked on by the comedian because we all know that a first date has a lot of comedy value!

7. Jazz Club

Another fun activity is hitting up a jazz club, or if Jazz isn’t your style then a blues or country night! Whatever takes your fancy that provides you with some fun entertainment and no stress to keep the convo going, you can just enjoy the music!

8. Walking Tour

Take part in your local City’s walking tour. They are usually free or a donation and chances are you will learn something new about your city. It’s the ideal stress-free date idea for people who are interested in history and their local area.

9. Cooking Class

Looking for something fun and tasty to do on a date? A cooking class ticks all the boxes and creates a relaxed first date environment to have fun, get to know each other and see how well you work together as a team!

10. Pottery / Painting Class

If you’re the creative type or just fancy a challenge then a pottery or painting class could be a great choice. Even if you are TERRIBLE with no creative bone in your body, trust me, you’ll both be laughing and having a good time.

11. Sporting Activity

Competitive? This first date idea is for you. Because you can play in matches it gives you control over how long or short you want the date to go on for. Choose something you’ll both enjoy and rules are the loser has to buy the drinks on the next date!

12. Live Sports Game

Sports games are a great first date because they provide a fun atmosphere. Even if you’re not that interested in the sport or the team playing, you’re still bound to enjoy watching it live and joining in with the crowd! 

13. Vineyard / Brewery tour

A vineyard or brewery tour is ideal if you want someone else to do all the talking (the guide) on your first date. You get great scenery, and a chance to try some wine or beer.

You can always stay for another drink at the end to have more personal, 1:1 conversations if the first date is going well.

14. Drive-Thru Challenge

This is perfect for a raining day and providing you are happy and it’s safe to get in the other person’s car, this can be a fun and random first date.

If you’ve been living under a rock and aren’t familiar with the drive-thru challenge, here’s what you need to know. It’s when you go to a drive-thru and order the exact same as the car in front. So you don’t have any clue what you are going to get.

It could be a complete win or you could end up with 2 diet cokes! Makes a nice change from dinner at the local Italian.

15. Fitness Class

Providing you are both into fitness classes then this is a great option to spend some time together doing something you both enjoy. Why not grab a coffee afterwards or some brekkie?

Bonus Suggestion!

Google or check out eventbrite to see what is on this month in your local area. You’re bound to find something that interests and inspires you for a first date.

First date on seafront

Have these 15 different and unique first date ideas got you in the mood to make a move?

Hopefully these ideas have inspired you to do something a little bit different. And if you have any other first date recommendations, please drop them in the comments, the more the merrier!

Happy dating!

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