I re-write my New Year’s resolutions multiple times throughout the year, in fact I call them my ‘non-new years resolutions‘ as I know they are likely to change, grow or not fit into my life as the course of the year goes on. But, some of my Near Years Resolutions don’t change as I deem them healthy life habits rather than a goal that can be reached. I’m going to share with you my tried and tested and 100% recommended, life-changing habits. Why did I choose these specifically?
1. They require very little effort and you can start straight away
2. The results will include lots of self-love and self-care
3. They are will help you to become the best version of yourself
How Long Does It Take To Form A Habit?
But first, how long does it actually take to form a habit? Technically you can form a habit from Day 1, but it might not become second nature for a couple of months at least. There are a few myths around 21 days but this has been debunked and on average it takes 66 days to form a new habit. This might sound long, but who else finds themselves saying throughout the year; ‘This year has flown by…Where has the year gone…I can’t believe it’s September already.” Time will go fast and before you know it, your new habit will no longer be new.
3 Is The Magic Number
You don’t need anymore than 3 new healthy habits. Of course you can have as many as you like, but you risk overloading yourself and not sticking to them. We all have enough going on in our heads let alone trying to develop new habits we may never followed through with before. You’re going to feel much happier keeping up with 3 New Years resolutions, than half-heartedly attempting 7.

Here Are My 3, Super Easy, Life-Changing Healthy Habits That Require Little Effort And Don't Involve Signing Up To A Marathon.
1. Embrace Being A 'No' Person
Anyone that knows me will tell you I am a people pleaser, or at least I used to be. This type of personality is exhausting and at times, ‘Yes’ decisions were made at the detriment of my own health or happiness, in order to please everyone else. But we all need to start looking after ourselves. Because If we look after ourselves, we can be the best version for other people and that’s what others should want for us too.
Of course you can’t say ‘No’ all the time or you will start to lose friends and family around you, but there is definitely a balance. Learning to say ‘No’ at the right times and accepting that we are all responsible for our own happiness is the first step. It might be uncomfortable or awkward at first, and you might feel like you are letting people down, but if it’s to save your own mental health, then it has to be a ‘No’. And your friends have to respect that.
– No to work drinks so you can spend time with your partner
– No to helping a friend move at the weekend if you actually just want to be alone (time off is precious, remember that)
– No to your partner if they want you to visit their family but you need time to work on your side hustle
Saying No can feel selfish, but being selfish isn’t black and white, check out this post to see what I mean; Is Being Selfish Always Bad?

2. Go Screen-Free
One of my favourite habits I made this year was giving myself time away from all screens, computer, phone, tablet and even my kindle. We spend on average 7 hours everyday looking at a screen, I am sure for some people it is a lot more when you think about those Netflix shows you binge-watch in the evenings. And just before bed when you are mindlessly scrolling through Instagram videos. It’s easy for us to get lost in our screens and all of a sudden, 2 hours has passed with nothing gained or achieved.
On a weekly basis, I dedicate 2 mornings (from when I wake up at 6am until 11am) and completely eliminate all screens, that also includes listening to podcasts. Here are some of the ways I spend my time:
– Meditating
– Making a nutritional breakfast to start my day (this Shakshuka is one of my favourite breakfasts to spend time creating)
– Taking part in a yoga class or exercising
– Reading a book or magazine
– Walking in nature or swimming in the sea
– Writing in my journal
– Writing to do lists, jotting down business ideas and planning for the week ahead
– Taking my time to get ready for my day ahead
Time away from electronic screens makes me feel free and opens up my mind. I feel more calm and collected and some of my best ideas are thought up during this time, I really look forward to these days.
If you are working a 9-5 then a whole morning might not be feasible, instead you could do 3 shorter mornings a week or try doing it in the evenings. There is so much you can do with this screen-free time; start a new hobby, make plans for the future or just be at peace with yourself.

3. Be Your Number 1 Fan
No one else should be your biggest fan apart from you. You need to learn to encourage and motivate yourself when needed, pick yourself up when times are hard, and pat yourself on the back when you deserve it.
This is something that has really changed my feelings about myself. It might sound strange or feel awkward at first but give yourself regular ‘pep talks’. Times when I feel uncertain I remind myself; You’re okay, you’re going to be okay, everything is okay.‘ I also regularly tell myself; ‘You’re doing great, you did a really good job of that, you handled that really well.‘ We need to learn to stop seeking approval from others and find it from within. Even if you don’t believe what you’re saying, trust me, eventually you will.

There you have it, my 3 life-changing, healthy habits to kick start your new year, or whenever you feel like it. To help you continue to be the best version of yourself. Let me know in the comments if you have tried any of these and if you are noticing any differences. Good luck!
Amber x
P.s if you are looking for more New Years inspiration, check out this post; An Alternative Way To Think About Your New Year’s Resolution.
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