As human beings, we are hardwired to make progress. Many of us strive to be better and to overcome challenges in our lives. However the thing most us don’t realise is that no matter what it is that we want to achieve, there are really only two things that we need in order to realise our goals. Self-discipline and consistency. It almost sounds too good to be true. Well, it’s not. Let’s talk about the 3 reasons why self-discipline and consistency trump everything else.
We all already know the things that we should do, don’t we? We know we should eat well, drink water, exercise regularly, save money, prioritise our mental health, work hard and on and on and on.
If we know what we should do why don’t we just do it then? Well, the answer is pretty simple. We don’t feel like it. We can’t find the ‘motivation’. Or the ‘will power’. Or the ‘drive’. But we don’t need any of those things. All we actually need is discipline and consistency.

Self discipline is the most under rated skill we can develop in my view. It is simply the act of doing things that you know you should, even when you don’t feel like it. For example, studying, working out or even going to bed early. We know they are beneficial to us in the long run but we don’t feel like doing them in the short term.
Doing them anyway means you are demonstrating self discipline. If you can master this skill, you master yourself and you can achieve anything you set your mind to. And if you need more convincing I’d recommend checking out David Goggins – a self proclaimed over weight ‘loser’ turned navy seal and ultra athlete, transformed through harnessing the power of self-discipline and consistency.
Consistency is doing things we don’t feel like doing, over and over again for prolonged periods of time. To be consistent with anything is simple in theory and difficult in practice. And yet consistency is almost always required in order to see significant results.
Anyone can go to the gym once, to attend one class or to get one early night to use my earlier examples. But it takes months of consistent effort to become fit and in shape and it takes years to become qualified in any specialised field through study. Without consistency we can achieve nothing. However consistency is boring. And hard. And this is why we find it difficult.

So What?
So what makes self discipline and consistency so special? Why is it that they are all we need to achieve our goals? I promised you 3 reasons why self discipline and consistency trump everything so here they are;
Sets You Apart
Self discipline and consistency are simple in theory but difficult to do. That means anyone CAN do them, if they put their mind to it. There is absolutely no excuse not to. But most people don’t – because they are hard. And doing hard things sets you apart from the rest. By deploying self discipline and consistency, you are already ahead of the majority of those around you.
In doing these things we are also forced to accept delayed gratification. The inability to delay gratification is a massive reason why so many people are not where they want to be in life. The reward for almost anything unhealthy in our lives, is instant. And the reward for almost anything healthy and good is delayed. Again, self discipline and consistency help to set us apart.
No Room For Excuses
Very often, we lie to ourselves. We make excuses for why we can’t or don’t achieve what we want. We claim we are not strong enough or clever enough. There is no room for excuses here. Self discipline and consistency save us from ourselves. They help us to get out of our own way and make it more likely we will succeed. Of course, this can be scary if we don’t really want to put the work in!
Self discipline and consistency are so simple they are incredibly easy to track. They are black and white. There is no in-between with self discipline and consistency. We either do it or we don’t. And this means there is no where to hide. And no viable excuses.

Generates Positive Momentum
We’ve already talked about how difficult these things are in reality. And by doing them, we start to generate positive momentum. Doing hard things well, consistently, creates confidence and momentum. And this is very powerful.
Momentum matters. When we are up it is easier to stay up. And when we are down, it can feel incredibly difficult to shift the momentum in our favour. Winning the psychological battles early on can have a really positive impact in terms of achieving our goals. Doing everything we can to make that possible, makes sense. And self discipline and consistency pave the way for positive momentum.
Seeing Is Believing
I don’t expect you to take my word for it. But I guarantee you if you decide to become self disciplined and consistent about something you care about in your life, you will see the benefits I am talking about. If you have already been on this journey, please share your experiences in the comments!
If you are pumped up and ready to start practicing self discipline and consistency, but don’t know where to start we’v got you covered: 5 Simple Ways To Become More Self-Disciplined – did we miss anything?
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