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5 Ways To Become A Digital Nomad

Girl enjoying scenic view

Have you been wondering to yourself ‘how can I become a Digital Nomad?’ Well you’ve made a great start reading this post! I have been a Digital Nomad for 2 years and my boyfriend has been a Digital Nomad for 8 years! We’ve also met plenty of other Digital Nomads and remote workers along the way too. Therefore we have plenty of advice and experience to share on how to take the next step to get the digital nomad lifestyle you crave.

Becoming a Digital Nomad was the best decision I made, I really can’t see a different life for me now and certainly not one that involves going back to a 9-5 office. So I want to help you make your Digital Nomad dream a reality too! 

Remote working in Bali
Beautiful Amed in Bali

It can be hard to know how to start financing your nomadic lifestyle. A Digital Nomad is someone that works remotely on their laptop whilst travelling at the same time. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is create a lifestyle that allows you to work on your laptop, from anywhere in the world. And thankfully there are a few ways of doing this!

1. Sell Your Skills

Freelancing is one of the easiest ways to become a Digital Nomad, but in order to be a freelancer, you need to know your skillset and be able to sell it. You can either figure out what you are good at already, or learn a new skill. There is always time to change your work/career life

Then you’ll need to put together a portfolio of your skill/s. The best way to do this is by building a website using WordPress or Weebly. Don’t stress, they both have free versions and are simple to use even if you are a complete novice. Once this is ready, go sell yourself.
– Set up your Linkedin Profile so people know you are looking for opportunities
– Reach out to people you know and people you don’t know to build out your client base.
– Offer a discounted price to begin with whilst you build up your client base and experience.

There are tonnes of different freelance opportunities to help you become a digital nomad. The best places to look for ideas (and apply for opportunities) are UpworkFiverr and Freelancer

You’d be amazed at what work you can find, there really is a job for everything. I spent a year as a freelance online sports bra fitter, read about it in my post: How Looking At Boobs Gave Me Freedom To Travel The World.

2. Offer Your Services

If you are unsure which skills you have to offer, or if you don’t think your skills can translate to an online work, there are 1000s of other jobs you can pick up that require little skill or experience but can be actioned remotely and immediately. These include admin roles, researcher or virtual assistant. 

The same websites I listed above also advertise for these types of positions, or you can find them on LinkedIn. This is a great way to become a digital nomad very quickly, you just need to update your CV and start applying!

3. Start A Business

This is hard and a lot of work, and at the beginning you are unlikely to make much or any money. BUT it’s not impossible and I’ve met plenty of Digital Nomads that have started a business from scratch and that business now funds their travel lifestyle. 

If you have an idea that you feel passionate about and all the tools and finances you need then why not go for it! Just make sure you have enough money to fund your start up and digital nomad life. That is the beauty of travelling though, you can find cheaper places to live whilst you get your new business off the ground. You could always do a mix of freelance work whilst running your business too which takes the financial pressure off.

Another idea to consider is creating a digital product and selling it on Etsy. There are hundreds of digital product ideas, have a scroll through current ones to get some inspiration!

This is not the easiest way to become a digital nomad, but it’s totally possible and allows you to be completely location independent.

4. Buy A Business

Another option is to buy a business that is already packaged up and all you need to do is dive in. I personally have not bought a business online but I have definitely researched it and Flippa is a great starting place. There is always a risk with buying a business so make sure to do your research beforehand and you have enough funds if it doesn’t work out. 

5. Work For A Company That Supports Remote Working

This is how I became a Digital Nomad. I didn’t want to remain in the UK or work in an office 9-5. I handed in my notice and was ready to leave the company, so I was shocked when they said I could work remotely until they replaced me, and that was 2 years ago! If you love the company you work for but want to transition to a Digital Nomad lifestyle, why not ask the question!

More and more companies are open to remote working these days so it’s worth doing some research on Linkedin and job websites but here are 7 businesses known for offering remote working:
– Pilothouse Digital
– AirBnB
– Hubspot
– Gusto
– TranscribeMe
– toast
– Amazon

Female digital nomad working remotely at the beach

So there you have it, the first step to help you become a Digital Nomad. Once you have your income figured out, you’ll need to decide where to go and I have just the place! Check out my post; The Best Destination For A First Time Female Digital Nomad

Good luck and if you have any questions, drop them in the comments below and I would be happy to answer them. 

Amber x