According to the Dictionary the definition of an ‘Excuse’ is; “a reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify”. This is what you are doing to put off pursuing your business idea. Even though you have this great idea and probably some loose plans floating around in your head, so why haven’t you start yet? Because you keep giving in to excuses.
I am guilty of it too. But how will you grow as person, push yourself outside your comfort zone and make money from something you love if you keep accepting these excuses? It’s time to face up to them.
Here are my 9 lousy excuses we all tell ourselves to avoid pursuing our business idea and how we can overcome them.
"I Don't Have Enough Time To Start A Business"

This is a classic excuse, we never have enough time for anything right? Let alone starting a business. But at the end of the day our time and how we spend it comes down to prioritisation. We all have responsibilities; looking after children, running a household, working 9-5. But figuring out how to be more smart with your time and CHOOSING to make time for your business is how you get around this excuse. There are plenty of Mum’s with a side hustle and many 9-5 office workers making money from their hobby at weekends.
"I Don't Have Enough Money To Start A Business"
Money is a scary term. But you can overcome this excuse by thinking smart and prioritising. If you’re serious about starting your own business, cut out what you really don’t need. Then, ask for help. It’s not what you know it’s who you know. If you can’t afford to hire a social media manager, do you know someone who won’t mind helping you get your social channels off the ground? Is there a website whizz that you can call in a favour to help with the website set up?
There’s also tonnes of free support and resources online for new businesses, do your research and see what you can find. In addition to this you may be able to take advantage of new business funding opportunities.
We’ve all heard the stories of the multimillion pound businesses that were started in a garage with only £300. It’s possible!
"I Don't Know HOW To Start A Business"
No one knows how to start a business in the beginning! But you can and will figure it out. Do you know people with their own business that you can seek advice from? Or do your research online, there are step by step guides for all industries to help get you set up. Starting a business is actually pretty easy, the tricky part comes after.
One of the many benefits to starting your own business is all the new skills you will learn because you have to wear so many different hats. Don’t be afraid and embrace the challenge.
"I Don't Know Enough About 'X' Industry To Start A Business In It"

My advice here is fake it till you make it. You can start a business and learn as you go. Hardly anyone is a complete expert that knows EVERYTHING there is to know about their business category. If you have the passion for it, you will absorb everything like a sponge and learn very quickly because you have to.
"My Business Idea Is Probably Not That Good"
How will you know until you start it? If you would buy in to it, who’s to say that other people won’t? There’s also no harm in asking other people if it’s something they would buy or a service they would use so you can get some feedback before you start.
"Someone Has Already Done It And Better Than I Could"
It’s almost impossible these days to come up with a completely unique business idea that no one else has done. So the chances are there are multiple people with the same business idea as you. All you have to figure out is your point of difference and how you get that across to your audience. The good news is, if your business idea already exists, it means there is a demand for it and therefore customers at the ready.
"I Can't Start A Business On My Own"

Of course you can! Plenty of people start a business on their own. And if you’re waiting for someone to join your business venture, you could be waiting forever. You’re also not completely alone in this process. There are many facebook groups and in person meet ups you can join specifically for start ups so you can meet like-minded people. And you never know who you’re gonna meet that you might be able to partner up with.
"I'm Not Good Enough To Start A Business"
This kind of thinking will get you nowhere. You need to switch it up and start thinking positively, you can do WHATEVER you put your mind to, remember that. Try meditating and visualising your business growing to gain some confidence.
"What If My Business Fails?"
I get it, this is probably the common fear and it has even stopped me from starting a business once or twice. But now I have experienced a failed business, and you know what? It wasn’t that bad. Why? Because I learnt a hell of a lot through the process that I would not have learnt whilst sat in an office doing 1 type of job everyday. It’s time to push your fears of failure to the side.
You've Got This!

It’s normal to think and believe all of these excuses that you tell yourself, and it’s probably rare to find someone that hasn’t thought at least 1 of them before they took the leap into the start-up world. But at the end of the day that’s all they are, excuses. And now is the time to stop making them and start taking action so you can live out your dreams. The only thing stopping you, is you.
Let me know if this post has inspired you to take the leap and join the business world. Good luck!
Amber x
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