As someone who stayed single for most of my 20s (and loved every minute of it!), I couldn’t believe it when I heard my younger cousin ask “Is 25 too late to be single?”. NO! What you should be asking is “is it better to stay single in your 20s?” and the answer to that is YES. If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why am I still single?” or “Should I be single in my 20s” the answer is yes. In fact I think everyone should stay single throughout their 20s. Here are 9 reasons you need to stay single in your 20s.
Develop Your Friendships
Your 20s is a time to explore who you really are and find your tribe. Up until now you have probably found friendships due to where you live or where you went to school or Uni. In your 20s you can find your people. And being in a relationship hinders that. It is inevitable that you will spend a lot of time with a significant other. And if you were single, you’d be spending that time developing your friendships.
Explore the World
We are finally free in our 20s. There is a big bad world out there. And it is yours to explore. And yes you can go on holiday even if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. But every relationship requires compromise. Spend your 20s travelling where YOU want to go. See the world however YOU want. Invite friends or just make new ones along the way. These are the stories you will tell to your significant other and to your grandchildren if you want. There is nothing like travelling when you are young, free and single.

Find What Brings You Joy
Up to our teens we are heavily influenced by our family and the environment we grow up in. As we move out and start working, travelling or go to Uni, we start to live for ourselves and find out what brings us joy. It is the first time in our lives that we are living for ourselves. Yes we still have friends and family to influence us but ultimately we can do whatever we want. Use this time to find out what brings you joy. What do you truly love to do, when no one else has a say?
Enjoy the freedom of making choices just for you
Up to our teens we are heavily influenced by our family and the environment we grow up in. As we move out and start working, travelling or go to Uni, we start to live for ourselves and find out what brings us joy. It is the first time in our lives that we are living for ourselves. Yes we still have friends and family to influence us but ultimately we can do whatever we want. Enjoy the freedom of making choices just for you. When you do find ‘the one’ you will always have to consider someone else. This is both a privilege and a sacrifice.
Experience Everything
There is nothing quite like the freedom to experience whatever you want without limitation. As long as we are under our parents supervision, we must adhere to rules. Then in our 20s we have our first taste of freedom. Being single in our 20s is a rule free zone. We have the chance to experience everything. Go skinny dipping, sleep with strangers, stay out until first light, move to the other side of the world, try out any substance you want (with some regard for your overall safety please!). But do it all, experience everything while you have nobody else to consider.
Learn To Be Happy Alone
By alone, I don’t mean spend all of your time alone. I simply mean learn to be happy as an individual. An individual who spends time with friends and family. Yet are also comfortable doing things alone. Someone who does not need another to be whole. This will actually make it easier to find a relationship because you will want someone but you won’t need them. And it will prepare you for times in your life when you just don’t have as many people around. If you need more convincing check out “Why Spending Time Alone Is The Ultimate Flex”

Focus On Personal Development
Personal development can mean different things to different people but essentially, spend time improving yourself. Learn some new skills, start working out to improve your health and fitness, spend time volunteering. Whatever it means to you, there are areas of your life that would benefit from some focus. Relationships take time, effort and plenty of work. Put some work into yourself before you start looking for someone else.
Give Your All To Something You Love And See What Happens
I wish someone had told me this: Everyone in their 20s needs to find something they are passionate about and go all in on it for 3 years, just to see what happens. I had the time, I just didn’t see the opportunity. It can be whatever lights you up. Start investing, start a blog, start a business, write a book, travel the world. Just put some time into something you love and see what happens. Whether or not it turns out how you want, I guarantee you you will not regret the experience.
Relationships are cool and having a partner in crime is great. However there are pros and cons to everything. And there are trade offs and sacrifices that you have to make when you are in a relationship. So instead of feeling bad about being single. Embrace it. Recognise it as a time to focus on you. And remember the answer to “Is it better to be single in your 20s” is always yes. Embrace it.
In case you are already in a relationship and you are now wondering if you should be check out “5 Signs YOU Are Better Off Single”.
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