Last month I took a Freediving course. If you don’t know what that is, it’s where you hold your breath and dive down into the deep blue sea for as long as possible. No breathing apparatus, just one, single, breath. Sounds crazy right? It was. BUT I loved it! By no means am I suggesting you start freediving (unless it floats your boat) This post is to show you all the benefits of having a new hobby in your 30s and how to start.
Starting anything new, including hobbies, can be daunting because it’s the unknown. Especially if it’s a hobby that involves being part of a group or having an instructor. You don’t want to start a new hobby to find you are really bad at it and in front of people you don’t know. But here’s the thing- that is totally fine! Everyone sucks at the start. Myself included, I really struggled with freediving and it took me 5 lessons to find my flow. So don’t give up.
Starting A New Hobby Feels Bloody Awesome
A new hobby in your 30s can feel a bit like getting a new boyfriend. It’s exciting, there’s the anticipation of when you will get to enjoy your new hobby and you want to immerse yourself in all things relating to this hobby.
6 Amazing Benefits Of Starting A New Hobby In Your 30s
- As we get older our days can all blur into one because we tend to become content doing the same thing day in and day out. Having a new hobby and forcing ourselves to take on a new challenge in our 30s keeps life more interesting!
- According to Fortune Well, even just thinking about a new hobby can give us a hit of dopamine; that all important happy hormone. So imagine how good you feel when you’re actually doing your new hobby.
- New hobbies are a great opportunity to meet new people. We don’t tend to make many new friends at 30 which is a shame and if you both enjoy the same hobby you already have something in common. Hobbies can be great for socialising which we sometimes lack as we get older.
- Even if the initial hobby you chose didn’t work out, it can lead to other hobbies. For example, after freediving I chose to do a scuba diving session because I might as well see which one I prefer. Turns out I love them both equally! You never know what you are going to discover from one hobby to another.
- It’s a fact that learning a new skill, especially as we age has many benefits in keeping the brain young, healthy and engaged.
- Hobbies are great for our mental health! For everything listed above and more: the social aspect, the dopamine, learning a skill, it’s relaxing, enjoyable. What are you waiting for?

Choosing The Right Hobby
- Create a list of your interests and potential hobbies you’d like to try, no matter how wild or silly they may seem.
- Start to narrow them down by if it’s realistic to start one of these hobby’s. For example, is it very time consuming and do you have the time? Is it location dependent e.g surfing requires you to live near a beach with good surf. Will the hobby take up a lot of space in the house?
- Is it going to cost a lot of money? Do you need to buy equipment or special clothing. If so, it might be better to borrow or hire initially until you know you’re committed to the hobby.
- Do you need a partner to do the hobby? For example, Playing Tennis. If so, is there anyone you can ask to join you or research a local group where you can join in?
- Learn the ins and outs of the hobby you have in mind to see if it’s something you can stick with long term.
- Ask other people that do the hobby what they think and any advice before you start.
How To Start A New Hobby In Your 30s
Now you have chosen your new hobby, it’s time to start! Firstly, plan out time to give yourself a chance to try it out. If you’re gonna give your hobby a real chance, you need to be dedicated.
Is there a group you can join to help get you started, this is also a great opportunity to meet new people. Or is there an initial course you can take to help you learn the basics? Could you hire a coach or instructor to get you started?
It's Okay To Change Your Mind
If your new hobby is not making you want to get out of bed in the morning. Or the honeymoon period has worn off. It may be time to ditch the hobby. This doesn’t mean you have failed, a hobby is meant to be an activity that you do regularly because you enjoy it. Otherwise what is the point in doing something if it’s no longer fun?
You don’t need to justify or explain yourself to anyone. You can throw this hobby away and it’s totally fine to start a new one. In fact, finding a hobby should is the same as dating. You keep trying different hobbies until you find one you really like and want to stick with.
Hobby Ideas In Your 30s For Inspo
- Get creative- graffiti, pottery, life-drawing, photography, calligraphy, animation, drumming.
- Get physical- kick boxing, ultimate frisbee, horse riding, skateboarding, rollerblading, iceskating.
- Should you live near the sea- sea swimming, surfing, beach volleyball, diving, fishing.
- Continued random hobby ideas: origami, coding, cake decorating, beer brewing, wine tasting (I think I just found my new favourite hobby), fencing.
- For more recommendations, read our post: 5 Hobbies You Need To Have In Your 30s

The great thing about hobbies is that whatever you choose you can’t be wrong. It’s about enjoying the process of finding something (or multiple hobbies) you like. Removing yourself from everyday life stresses and living in the moment. All you have to do is start.
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