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A Simple Act to Enhance Your Appreciation for Life

Woman holding a flower in her hands

Appreciating life is something we know we should do, but don’t often know how. Or it’s something we completely forget to do. Which is sad when we often feel like life happens so quickly. 

With so much negativity surrounding us, we can find ourselves only focussing on what didn’t go our way. Or what is wrong with our life. Or what we should have done better at.

But actually taking a moment to step back and find the positives can change your entire outlook, mood, mind, and mental health. And who doesn’t want more positivity in their life? 

Taking some time at the end of every month, can really help you appreciate your life and set you up strong for the month ahead. 

That’s really all it takes, a couple of hours at the end of each month. So get ready to start a new act that is going to have you appreciating life more.

Grab Yourself A Notepad & Pen

All you need to get started is a shiny new notebook and pen. Though it may feel silly, it’s worth investing in a new notebook as you want this to feel special and significant.

At the end of each month, write down 3 – 4 things that were of significance to you. It could be moments of happiness, joy, adventures, success. Anything that feels ‘noteworthy’ that you want to remember. For example, did you visit a new place? Did you hit a goal at work? Did your best friend have a baby?

You should also use this time to go back through pictures from the past month to help you remember what happened. A month can go by so quickly and it’s easy to forget the highs when we are constantly looking for the next thing. It’s also just nice to look back at photos. 

If you’re in the marketing for a new journal check out, The Positive Planner Bullet Diary. The layout is ideal for this activity.

Find The Significance

Ask yourself. ‘Why did that moment in particular make me feel that way?’. Try to relive the memory in your head and feel how you felt at the time. 

Remember the emotions you felt and take a moment to immerse yourself. It feels good right? Doing this can really help you appreciate life and recognise that it’s not about continually feeling happy. But relishing in the special moments.

You’ll soon start to realise in the moment when you’re experiencing something that you can’t wait to write down at the end of the month. That is the time when you know you are really appreciating life and living in the moment.

Woman appreciating life sat in grass holding a bunch of balloons

A Gift To Yourself

Imagine this; you do this activity every month for 12 months, and at the end of the year you have a notebook filled with 40+ cherished memories. All at your fingertips. 

They are a reminder of all the amazing and good things that have happened in the past year and a chance to appreciate what a year it’s been. It’s the perfect gift to yourself that you can refer back to time and time again. 

If You're Struggling...

Bad months happen to all of us. It’s part of life. Or maybe it wasn’t a bad month, but just an insignificant month where nothing really happened. That’s okay too.

As long as you’ve gone through the month with a fine-toothed comb and you’re sure you can’t think of anything, don’t stress. You can do the following instead.

Firstly, go back through old months and remind yourself of those significant moments that you had and tell yourself there are more to come.

Secondly, write down plans for the next month that you can look forward to (and will likely end up in your notebook at the end of the month). It could be trying that new restaurant with your best friend. Spending quality time with your mum. Then start putting them into action.

Doing this helps you get excited for the upcoming month and stops you from dwelling on a ‘bad’ or ‘average’ month. There is no need to dwell, that’s not what you’re here for. Remember, everyone has bad days, weeks and months. But each day you get to wake up is a blessing.

Taking the time to appreciate life can significantly alter our perspective, mood, and mental health amidst the rapid pace and negativity that often surround us. 

By dedicating just a few hours at the end of each month to reflect on the positive moments and experiences, we can cultivate a greater sense of gratitude and enjoyment in life. Embracing this practice can lead to an enhanced outlook and mindset for the month ahead.

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