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Hey There! We're Cat & Amber

Two thirty-something friends, who like most people, woke up one day and suddenly realised oh sh*t, we’re thirty! You know what that means; the pressure of finding a suitable husband, popping out a few kids, running a household, moving up the career ladder and all whilst trying to eat our recommended 5 (or is it 10?) a day… No pressure right!?

But we’re living our 30s differently…

What if we ignore ‘the social norm’ and craft the life we want instead? What if we decide how we live our life rather than how society tells us to live?

This is the journey of our 30s, we’re disrupting the status quo, challenging the ‘norm’ and and we’re inviting you along for the ride!

suddenly thirty about us

Why We Started Suddenly Thirty

Your thirties can be an awkward and daunting time; you feel like a grown up, yet you still have nothing figured out. You are not alone.

We hope our blog brings you: 

  • Reassurance that no one has life figured out
  • Enjoyment and relatability from sharing our honest life and beliefs
  • Inspiration to pave your own path


Years of Friendship


Business Ideas and Counting


Blog posts written together

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