I can’t decide if I like New Years or not. It is just another day and in reality every day is an opportunity to start fresh. We don’t need to wait until the first day of the year to make changes in our lives. However, some people like to hop on the “New Year, New Me” bandwagon. If that’s you, I won’t hold it against you. In fact I applaud you for making a change for the better, no matter the time of year. Let’s talk about an alternative way to think about your New Year’s Resolution.

I think it’s important to have a plan and I like setting goals. The only thing I don’t really enjoy is the cliche of doing it at the beginning of the year like everyone else. And then giving up after 6 weeks, like everyone else. I believe the reason this happens so often is because our New Year’s Resolutions are too ambitious (unrealistic) and too short term. Instead why not shoot for something more attainable?
What's The Alternative?
The alternative to how we usually set our New Year’s Resolutions is so simple, you’ll hardly believe it. Instead of setting difficult short term goals or vague non specific goals, let’s try setting easier goals but commit to them over a much longer period of time. We’ve all heard the old adage it takes 3 weeks to build a habit and 90 days for it to be a lifestyle change (and if you haven’t you can read more here).
In that case why do most New Year’s Resolutions sound like this “Exercise more” or “I will go to the gym 4 times per week in January”. Yes, this is technically longer than 3 weeks but if we consider most people start their resolution once they get back to work/normal, then you’ll be lucky if it is 3 weeks.

It Still Counts
I want to be clear, setting an easier goal over a longer period still counts as a valid New Years Resolution. You are not being lazy or taking the easy road. This is not a cop out. In fact, this is actually more likely to become a permenant change that can have long term impact on your life. Realistically, going to the gym for 3.5 weeks will not significantly impact anything, unless you keep going.
It Is Not Easier
Please don’t commit to taking this approach under any illusion that it is easier than the traditional approach. Yes, the goal itself may be a little ‘easier’ but the fact that we are committing to it over for a significant period of time, makes it more difficult. Easier goal, longer timeframe – I think it balances out as about the same in terms of difficulty. The difference being that this could have a lasting and positive impact on your life.
Some Suggestions
If you are considering taking this approach this year, you may be hoping for some suggestions at this point. And, I aim to please so let’s take a look at the list below.
Instead of
- Lose Weight
- Go to the gym
- Pick up a new hobby
- Be More Positive
- Save Money
- Travel More
- Spend Less
Let’s Try
- 15 minute walk after work
- Gym +1 session more than usual
- Spend 30 mins per week on specific new hobby
- Give x1 compliment per day
- Save €5 per day
- Plan x1 trip before summer
- Cut out one unnecessary expense e.g one less take away per week
Hopefully the suggestions sound so easy that it’d be ridiculous NOT to do them. If any of them sound like too much of a stretch then make it easier or better still come up with your own much more creative ideas. The trick is that it has to feel like whatever you commit to is possible for the forseeable future. It is something you can do as part of your normal life.
It really works. I figured this out through personal experience many years ago. And it wasn’t even a New Year’s Resolution. I used to take sugar in my tea. I usually have a few cups of tea per day. One day, I decided that I would take one cup per day, without sugar. After only a couple of weeks, I noticed I was more looking forward to the cup without sugar. And so I cut it out of the others as well. Easy goal, long term outlook. A change in my lifestyle for the better which I’ve sustained for years.
Give It A Try
Give it a try this year and let us know how you get on. If you don’t succeed, what harm? It’ll probably be no different than any other year. But if you do, maybe you’ll change your life for the better. If you are planning to steal my new hobbies suggestion, be sure to check out 5 Hobbies You Need To Have In Your Thirties for some inspiration. Share your New Year’s Resolutions in the comments too and let us know if you manage to keep them up past Mid February. Good Luck!
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