When I decided to travel in my 30s, I knew that meant quitting my stable 9-5 job and 9 year career in sales. Although I worked for a forward thinking, contemporary company and we had all done the ‘remote working’ thing, a ‘Digital Nomad’ was an unknown concept. And since we had been welcomed back to the office, we were expected to be there at least twice a week. Sound familiar?
Who would have thought 18 months later I would still be working for that same company but under a freelance contract? I did initially hand my notice in and thankfully they wanted to keep me because I know not all companies would be willing to let their employees work abroad.
If you are thinking about taking the plunge to either travel or become a Digital Nomad, and need to quit your office job to make it happen, here’s why you should do it now.
Psst: If you have already decided you are ready to become a Digital Nomad and don’t need any more convincing, but you haven’t figured out how to make it happen yet, read my post; 5 Ways To Help You Become A Digital Nomad.
My Top 5 Reasons To Become A Digital Nomad (Plus A Bonus Reason!)
1. The Sense Of Freedom That Comes With Travel
There is no ‘societal pressure’ when you travel as you’re completely removed from it. No expectations to buy a house, save money, start a family or have a career, and this has its own sense of freedom.
When I’m travelling, I can choose to take my life in any direction I want without feeling like I need to prove or explain myself to anyone.
Your destiny is your choice. You will decide where to travel next and for how long, where to make your new base and you’re in control of your work/life balance.
Some weeks I work more when I’m travelling, because it doesn’t feel like work when I am sat at a beach club, watching the waves and drinking my £3 Pina Colada. I definitely don’t get the ‘Sunday Scaries’ anymore!

2. New Life Lessons And Skills

The life lessons you will pick up along your Digital Nomad journey are beyond what any job can offer you within the four walls of an office. From learning new languages and communicating with people from different cultures, to managing emergencies in a new and unknown environment.
I have learnt how to ride a scooter, how to make friends again, organise my life when on the road and fit everything I need into 1 (relatively) small suitcase. The Tripp Black Holiday in Medium has been my favourite nomad suitcase, as it’s sturdy but lightweight and doesn’t take up much room.
3. Ditch The Office Politics
If you work for yourself there’s definitely no bitching to deal with. But, working remotely for a company also means no office drama because you aren’t around it anymore. Your working time becomes precious therefore meetings are kept to the point and there’s no time for gossip.
It’s a healthier mindset to focus on work than wondering why your colleague wore a white skirt with black underwear to the office.
I get more work done whilst I’m away compared to when I was working in an office, because I would spend time chatting to co-workers and making an unnecessary amount of tea.

4. You Never Know Who You Are Going To Meet

You’ll meet people you wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to meet, from all over the world.
When you’re living the same life day in and day out and seeing the same friends and co-workers it’s hard to meet new people. You realise how small your world is.
Even if your new ‘friends’ aren’t your cup of tea, there is so much to learn and enjoy from someone who has experienced a completely different life to you. The best part is now I have friends all over the world which is awesome!
A lot of people I have met that are also living the Digital Nomad life have a similar mindset to me too. Especially compared to when I was back in my small hometown and would often feel misunderstood.
5. Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Situations will arise that are totally alien to what you are used to and with not much support. It sounds scary, but your instincts will kick in and you’ll figure it out. Even if it doesn’t quite go to plan, it’s a lesson learnt for next time and your confidence will constantly grow.
I would never have experienced half of what I do now I am a Digital Nomad if I was still sat in my comfortable home office. I have grown so much as a person and my confidence has soared.
You are capable of so much more than you realise you are.

6. BONUS REASON: You Become More Yourself Than You Ever Were

I have learnt more about myself in the past 18 months than I did in all the years leading up to my 30s. I’m now living exactly how I am supposed to be and I am my true, authentic self. I feel no pressure to fit in, impress or change who I am because society tells me to.
When you are travelling, you have the space and authority to be whoever you want and live however you want to without the fear of being judged, and that is a beautiful way to live. You realise how big the world is and you stop sweating the small stuff so much.
Living a Digital Nomad life literally changed my life, I swapped material things for experiences and have never looked back. There are a million more reasons to become a Digital Nomad, but I am leaving that for you to find out when you quit your 9-5 job and jump on that flight! Please let me know if you do it, I would love to hear your stories!
Amber x
P.s Being a Digital Nomad isn’t always as peachy as it sounds and I want to give you all the facts, including sharing these 7 Unglamorous Truths About Life As A Digital Nomad.
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