I didn’t plan on becoming a Digital Nomad. In fact I had accepted that quitting my job and relying on my savings was the only way I would be able to travel the world.
The original plan was to do this for 6-12 months and hope my savings wouldn’t run out. Then figure out my life after that. Accepting I’d likely need to move back home and return to a regular office job again (ugh).
Then, an unusual opportunity arose which would enable me to earn money whilst travelling, AKA become a Digital Nomad and I couldn’t turn it down.
I’m sure when you’re researching how to become a Digital Nomad, or how to travel the world WHILST making an income, you might think you need to have one of the following jobs:
- Coder/programmer
- Influencer/content creator
- Graphic designer
- Virtual Assistant
- Crypto trader
- Life Coach
Yes, all of these particular careers can give you the possibility to be location independent, but I have been a Digital Nomad for 2 years now and have never had any of these jobs. And I certainly don’t have the skills. Instead my Digital Nomad journey started by looking at Boobs and getting paid for it. Who knows, maybe it will be the answer for you too!?
My Boob Job Journey
Where did it all begin with boobs? Well my background is in sports bras and breast health. For many years I sold Sports bras and educated women on the importance of breast health, always in person of course.
Then before I went off on my travels, I saw a job posted for a freelance online bra fitter. Bra fitting online!? I hear you say. Yep, you read that correctly.
Fitting bras is something I had always done face to face. And whenever I have been fitted for a bra, it’s always been in a shop, inside a changing room too.
But since the pandemic, many bra and sports bra brands have moved to offer an online fitting. Giving their customers a high level of service and reducing down the number of returns and exchanges when purchasing online. Now it makes sense, right?
An Online Bra Fitting Job Allowed Me To...
- Work from anywhere in the world, providing I had good internet and a private location.
- Work on any time zone. This allowed the company to service customers all over the world and gave me flexibility with my working hours.
- Financially support my travel adventures.
The Restrictions To This Type Of Job
- I missed out on meeting people in co-working spaces as I couldn’t do the bra fittings from there!
- I couldn’t go on a last minute excursion as I always had pre-booked appointments.
- Travel plans had to be planned in advance and around my fitting schedule.
- Accommodation was generally more restrictive and expensive as I always had to ensure I had good internet and my own private space.
- I only generated an income when I was working.
I wouldn’t exactly say it was my dream job and a step up on the career ladder, but it allowed me the freedom to live how I wanted to and that was more important at the time.

Maybe you’re not going to become an online bra fitter, so why am I telling you this? The point of this article is to show you that you’re not limited by specific criteria or skills when it comes to being a Digital Nomad. You don’t have to be an influencer or a coder, or a fancy graphic designer.
In fact, I no longer work out bra sizes for a living, instead I have an Account Management role for a supplement brand. Again, people believe that sales and account management requires face to face meetings and working in the same country as where you sell. However, I am living proof that you can perform this role just as successfully virtually.
If being a Digital Nomad is your dream, you might have to sacrifice your career (temporarily). Take a step back down the career ladder or a pay cut. Or maybe you’ll have to take on a very unusual job. But all these things can be temporary whilst you become adjusted to your new Digital Nomad life and figure out your more long term plan.
We actually have a lot to thank Covid for with remote working and finding a way to get our work done online. You might need to start thinking outside the box on how you are going to make it happen if you can’t pick up a traditional ‘Digital Nomad’ job.
Top tip: Start up companies are more likely to hire remote workers because they likely don’t have an office yet, so get contacting and show them the value you can bring to their new business.
Good luck with your travels and if you have any questions, please drop them in the comments and I’ll reply!
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