Is it possible to change your life once you’ve hit 30 and even beyond 30? In short, yes it’s absolutely possible. The first thing to realise is that age really is just a number. Although I do recognise that as the older we get, generally the more responsibilities we have and that can make life changes more tricky. But not impossible.
How do I know it is possible to change your entire life in your 30s? Well, because I did it:
– I quit my 9-5 office job to go freelance
– Moved out of my flat and left the country I have lived in for 30+ years to travel the world
– Broke up with my long-term boyfriend
All in the space of about 3 months. It wasn’t easy making such drastic life changes, and there were definitely times when I questioned if I was doing the right thing and wondered if everything was worth it. But 2 years on and I don’t have a single regret. How I live now is no longer my ‘new’ life, but my normal life, and that should be the aim if you want to change your life.
3 Things You Need To Know BEFORE Changing Your Life In Your 30s

It’s important to realise that big life changes can often have an impact on other people. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t change what you feel needs to be changed but it’s about being aware and sensitive to those around you that could be affected. Obviously I’m not suggesting leaving your children to start a new life without them, I’m talking about if you want to move abroad but your parents don’t want you to because they’ll miss you.

The next point to note is that big life changes can take time to happen and they should. Any life-altering developments need to be thought through and planned out. Here’s what you should consider when changing your life in your 30s:
– What is your back up plan if things don’t go as anticipated?
– Are you prepared financially for things not to work out?
– Do you have emotional support in place should you need it?
Part of change is the planning and preparation so you can feel more comfortable and in control, and it’s more likely to work out.

Make sure you are changing your life for the right reasons, and for you. For example, I wouldn’t advise quitting your job without anything else lined up just because you’ve had a bad week at work. If you are feeling the need for change as a quick fix to a bad situation, the chances are it’s not the right thing and you should deal with the bad situation first, then afterwards you’ll know what your next move should be.
Step By Step Guide To Changing Your Life In Your 30s
Step 1: Figure out exactly what you feel needs to change and know your why. As in, why does it need to change? I need to change X because of Z. It usually comes down to what isn’t making us happy or content and aiming for a change that will resolve this feeling.
Step 2: Know what a successful change looks like. Visualise what your new life will look like.
Step 3: Does your big life change involve or impact anyone else? If so, work out how to deal with the implications your change might have and what you need to do to avoid strains on relationships. Consider compromises too, if there is a significant other in your life that might not be up for quite a drastic change then what would you be happy to compromise on?
Step 4: Draw out a roadmap of how you are going to achieve this new life. You probably can’t do everything all in one go so having patience and a plan is key. You don’t want to rush into anything and get it wrong. I recommend using the Clever Fox Planner to help you reach your new life goals!
Step 5: Go for it! Start putting words into actions. It can be baby steps or even big changes, you have your plan of action now so your journey can start. This is where it gets exciting and you can completely change your life (even in your 30s!)
My Advice On Changing Your Life

Commit + Embrace
If you’ve made the decision to change your life, commit to it. Anything that is done half-heartedly will likely not work out. Starting a business for example, will need 110% effort and commitment from you and you’ll need to believe in yourself that you can do it.
Change is scary, especially in your 30s. But if you embrace it, the ride is going to be a lot easier. You have to accept everything that comes with change, the good the bad and the ugly. That can even mean making exceptions and adapting quickly when you wouldn’t have done in your old life.
Less = More (sometimes)
Life-changing doesn’t always have to mean BIG, DRASTIC changes. You can actually start small and you’ll notice how quickly a small difference will make to your life. Such as; a career change, moving to a different area, becoming single, going back into education. If you are considering travelling maybe just try 1 month somewhere. If there are opportunities to ‘test the waters’ before you commit to a big change, then go for it!
Failure / Success
There’s a chance your new life won’t work out, and although that might feel frightening it probably won’t be as bad as you think. Whether you have to ask for your old job back, move back home, or change your plans. You can always start or try again when the time is right. And there’s actually a huge benefit to ‘failing’. Which is that you will have learnt SO much. Much more than if you hadn’t tried.

Changing your life in your 30s is not easy, in fact it can be tricky at any stage in your life, but it’s definitely possible. You can reinvent yourself and start fresh if that’s what you want to do, you just need a plan, have the tools in place and the belief that you can do it. Oh and you need to actually start!
If you have any other advice or guidance, or want to share your own experience of how you changed your life, please share in the comments below.
P.s you don’t have to wait until ‘New Year New Me‘ to make a change you can start at any time!
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