So you’re here because you want to know if it’s okay to date multiple guys at the same time? To answer your question with a single word; Absolutely! Of course it’s okay to date multiple guys at the same time. And it should be encouraged. However, as always when it comes to dating, you should tread with caution to avoid hurt feelings of your own and hurting other people’s feelings.
Let's Address The Issue With Society
There is a stigma attached to dating multiple guys at the same time. Unfortunately for women, we can have some nasty and hurtful labels used against us if we decide to date multiple people. But this stigma comes purely from society and does not define you in anyway.
The problem with society is that when it comes to dating and relationships, you’re only supposed to have ONE person. Life is about Finding the ONE. And your ONE and ONLY. Therefore this can make you feel guilty if you are dating multiple guys at the same time, simply because it is not the society norm. But you shouldn’t feel bad about it. You’re not doing anything wrong.
Thankfully times are changing. Dating, casual sex and even polyamorous relationships are becoming more and more normal and accepted. Yay! In fact, IFLSCIENCE wrote a great piece on how Polyamory is on the rise and society should be more accepting. So fill your boots. On the flip side, if you don’t ever want a relationship, that’s totally fine too! We have more choices these days than finding our soulmate at 16, marrying at 23 and having the rest of your life planned out until you die.
Now let’s take a look at the ins and outs of dating multiple guys at the same time and why it is okay.

Why You SHOULD Date Multiple Guys At The Same Time
Imagine how much time you will lose in your adult life by only dating 1 person at a time. Because dating 1 person at a time is like having a mini relationship. They could last a few months each time. Then you have your actual relationships which could last a few years at a time. Oh and then there’s those times you choose to be single and focus only on yourself. You could end up dating like 11 people by the time you’re in your 30s.
Now consider this, there are roughly 4 billion men in the world but you’ve only got to know 11 of them. How are you meant to choose a life-long partner (if that’s what you’re looking for) when you’ve only dated a handful of men? By the way, it’s totally fine if you want to remain single and just date with no intention of finding ‘the one.’
Life goes so quickly and we don’t have much time to waste with people that don’t suit us. Therefore dating multiple guys at the same time helps you to realise your likes and dislikes in a partner much quicker.
And Another Reason...
As if we needed anymore reasons to serial date but here’s another one anyway. Spending time with someone new, whether that’s a new friend or new date can actually help us to discover more about the world and more about who we are.
Again, this goes back to only dating 11 people in your life. If you can date more, your world becomes much bigger. Because you’ll learn about new cultures, religions, ways of living. People open our minds up to other things that we may not have experienced yet. You might meet a Digital Nomad and realise you want to travel the world and work remotely too!
How To Date Multiple Guys At The Same Time
Dating multiple guys at the same time can sometimes put you in a sticky situation. And to avoid this You need to be 100% transparent with everyone you are dating. Telling a guy you are dating that you are also dating other people can come across like a power play or like you are trying to make them jealous. And you never know how someone is going to react in this situation. Especially if you’ve been dating for a while.
Therefore the best way to avoid a tricky and sticky situation is to be honest from day 1. If you are already dating someone else and you want to start dating a new guy, let the new guy know your situation on the first date. But you also need to let your current guy know you’re going to start dating someone else as soon as you make the decision. It’s only fair and you would want to be treated with the same respect. If they don’t want to date you anymore that’s their choice.
You also need to be aware of when your dating starts to become too serious with one person. Because then decisions need to be made.
Is It Okay For The Guy I'm Dating To Also Be Dating Multiple People?
Yes, of course. This is not a case of one rule for you and one rule for them. If you don’t want them to date other people you need to reconsider if you should be dating multiple people. Because it is likely that you feel strongly about them and so maybe you should choose just them?
On the other hand, If the guy you are dating doesn’t WANT to date anyone else and you have been honest about dating multiple people at the same time. Then this situation is also fine.

In Conclusion, Is It Okay To Date Multiple Guys At The Same Time?
Yes! If you don’t want to commit to one person because you’re enjoying the dating scene. Or if you’re learning about the types of guys you like and dislike. Or perhaps you are learning more about yourself the more people you date. All these are perfectly good reasons to date multiple guys at the same time. Not that you NEED a reason. Just be honest with yourself and to the guys you are dating to avoid any awkward situations and you’ll have a great time!
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