Why am I never satisfied? ‘If I just get X job, I will be happy’. ‘If I can make X amount of money then my life will be better’. ‘Once I find the perfect partner my life will be complete’. You might eventually tick all of these boxes and STILL wonder why you don’t feel satisfied. It’s frustrating right?
Personalities are a funny thing. They define who we are and we don’t have much control over them. There are good parts of our personality and challenging parts. We can try to change our personalities or adapt them but it’s not always sustainable. If you are someone that never feels satisfied, well join the club! It’s in your DNA but know that you are not alone in feeling this way. I know the frustration of never being satisfied and I’ve learnt there’s only 1 way to deal with it. Embrace it and understand it.
Realising there are pros and cons to being this type of person will help you navigate the ups and downs in life. Esentially it’s about embracing the pros and managing the cons.
So here they are, the pros and cons to never being satisfied (and what you can do about it).

The Pros To Never Being Satisfied
You Are Always Striving For More
The world needs people that are constantly striving for growth, wanting to learn and continually advancing. Because without people like you, everything would stay stagnant. And if we all just accepted we had to stay on this planet, we never would have walked on the Moon!
Someone who struggles to be satisfied is usually very driven and wants to progress, they believe there is more out there. More to gain and more to discover. This is an amazing trait to have when working for a company or running your own business. You can use this to your advantage to grow in your work life or succeed in a business.
You Are Goal Orientated
Another benefit to being an unsatisfied person is you tend to be a goal-setter. Because you believe that if you achieve X you will be satisfied. And maybe you will be and maybe you won’t be but either way, as Tony Robbins once said;
Everyone knows that by writing goals down you are more likely to achieve them. Mixing this with my first point and you are on to something good! You have the potential to make incredible things happen and there are so many reasons why we should seek new challenges in life.
You Will Have An Exciting And Fulfilling Life
As you are someone that never feels satisfied, there’s no chance of living a mundane life because you just won’t allow it. You will be able to look back on your life and realise how far you have come and how much you have achieved. The chances are your world will constantly be changing and if you embrace this and say ‘YES!’ to opportunities, you’ll have an exciting and fulfilling life.
If you let the feeling of never being satisfied consume you, you won’t be able to move forward. But when you embrace this feeling and chase the next thing that is going to satisfy you, life can change significantly moving you in different directions, that’s exciting!
You Surround Yourself With Like Minded People
It’s true that opposites attract, but people that experience feelings of dissatisfaction are also drawn to each other because they have a mutual understanding. It’s the feeling of always striving for more or something else. Something better. You can’t stay around people who are happy being stagnant in life. You’re more like to achieve your next project because you’ll have the right people supporting you and understanding you.
As long as the like-minded people you surround yourself with are a positive influence you will bounce off each other. Ultimately building long-lasting and deep meaningful relationships for life. But be careful not to get into a negative spiral, only focussing on how you are never satisfied. Negativity breeds negativity. And no one wants that.
The Cons To Never Being Satisfied
Happiness Can Feel Just Out Of Reach
Satisfied and happiness tend to go hand in hand. If you’re feeling unsatisfied, the chances are you’ll also be unhappy or have feelings of unhappiness. This can be hard, no one wants to feel unhappy, At times like this it’s good to remind myself yourself of everything that you do have or have already achieved in your life and remind yourself this feeling is only temporary.
You Wonder If You'll Ever Feel Satisfied
The road to lifelong satisfaction can feel long and it can leave you wondering if you will ever be satisfied. The truth is, in my 30 something years, I have never felt completely satisfied in any area of my life, so I have accepted that this is the way it’s going to be. It doesn’t mean I’m unhappy but it does mean I am constantly searching for more, which can be exhausting.
You Feel Misunderstood
It can be hard for other people to understand why you’re never satisfied. You can come across as unsettled or even spoilt because you always want more. And in everyone else’s opinion you have nothing to be unhappy about, so what’s your problem? I get it and it’s not even worth trying to explain to people that don’t feel the same way. My
You Don't Hit Your Goals
We’ve all been there. We have a new goal, start out enthusiastically and throw everything and the kitchen sink at it, only to find it is not giving us the results we want immediately. And so we move onto the next new goal. This can leave us with bad feelings of never achieving anything. Try to see things through and learning to have patience can really help with this, we all know that Rome wasn’t built in a day!
If you’re looking for something to keep you on track with your goals, get yourself one of these goal-setting journals, I swear by them!

Remember that you are a work in progress, we all are and the best thing we can do for ourself is grow, learn and manage our personality and feelings. There is nothing wrong with feeling unsatisfied if we can simply adapt and manage unwanted feelings.
Amber x
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