If you are planning to travel long term (great choice by the way), a key decision to make is whether you will travel alone or travel with friends. And it’s not a decision that should be taken lightly. Travelling alone and travelling with friends are completely different experiences and whichever one you choose will shape your entire trip.
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There are many benefits to travelling alone but it can also come with unique challenges. And travelling with friends has great advantages but also disadvantages too. Before you decide, check out my list below of the benefits and downsides of travelling alone vs travelling with friends.

I have been travelling full time for over 2 years now and have done it all. I travelled around Malaysia for 3 months with my best friend. Which really bonded us, but we had moments that put a strain on our friendship. Overall there were some great benefits to travelling with my best friend and I would do it again.
I have travelled alone around Central America, which was an amazing experience and I am already planning my next month of solo travel in Bali! Proving there are obviously some amazing benefits to solo travel too.
I do also travel a lot with my boyfriend but I appreciate not everyone has this luxury.
There is not one choice that I prefer more and a mix of all types of travel works really well for me. But if this is your only chance to travel long term, you don’t want to have any regrets. This post should make it clear; what are the benefits of travelling alone vs with friends. Thus helping you to decide what to do!
The Benefits And Downsides Of Travelling Alone
Never in a million years would I have thought I would travel alone. But here am I with multiple solo trips under my belt. And I’m currently planning a month long trip to Nusa Penida, Gili Air and Ubud. There is no feeling quite like travelling alone and it definitely has it’s benefits, but it can come with it’s downfalls. Let’s dive into those.

The Benefits Of Travelling Alone
You can do whatever you want, whenever you want. After months of travelling with my boyfriend we often do some solo travelling and it always feels great to make my own plans and not have to check with someone else on every single detail.
If you are the type of person that likes to be in charge and in control of plans then travelling solo could be ideal for you.
Personal Growth & Development
When you travel alone you gain so much independence and grow mentally and emotionally. At the end of your travels you can feel like a different person. You will be so proud of yourself and how far you have come. What used to seem scary will become the norm in your life.
Have you ever missed out on an event because you had no one to go with it? Learning to be comfortable on your own and experiencing doing things on your own is so important for personal growth. This is a HUGE benefit of travelling alone. You won’t regret it.
New Travel Friends
When you travel alone you’re more open to meeting new people than if you travel with friends. And travel friends are SO different to your friends from home. It’s important to meet new people when you travel and you may even find you end up doing some travelling with your new found friends.
This is one of my favourite parts of solo travel- you never know who you are going to meet and you can make friends for life. Plus, having friends all over the world you can go and stay with is a huge bonus.
No Additional Responsibilities
You only need to worry about yourself and be responsible for yourself. If you travel with a friend that wants to get black out drunk every night, it’s not going to be an enjoyable trip because you become responsible for them. Don’t forget it goes both ways so if you do decide to travel with a friend, don’t be that annoying buddy that constantly needs looking after and is a liability.
Experiences Hit Different
This one is hard to explain until you have done it, but the experiences that you go through alone are even more significant to you. I did an overnight Volcano hike in Guatemala which is one of my biggest personal achievements to date. It would have been a completely different experience if I’d gone with a friend, because my comfort zone would not have been pushed as far. I was nervous as hell but loved every second of it and made new friends!

If you’ve never spent much time doing activities alone before your trip, it’s worth reading our post: How To Embrace Spending Time Alone. It’s a great guide on where to start with getting comfortable on being by yourself.
The Downsides Of Travelling Alone
No Emotional Support
Not having anyone there when you need emotional support or just a friendly face to talk to if you are having a down day. I normally love travelling on my own but right before my period arrives I always feel more lonely and I know it’s just my hormones but it still hits hard sometimes.
If you’re someone that needs a lot of reassurance then travelling with friends might be a better choice for you.
Lots Of Alone Time
When you travel alone that can mean doing everything alone. You might find that 99% of your meals you are eating by yourself (apart from when you meet fellow travellers). This is OKAY and there are plenty of people that do it. Stay away from romantic restaurants where you are surrounded by couples. Instead, find all the hotspots for solo travellers.
It Can Get A Bit Repetitive
Having the same conversations every time you meet a new person can get old very quickly. ‘Where are you from? How long are you travelling for? Where have you been? Where are you moving to next?’ Etc etc. It gets tiring and uninspiring after a while. You will likely meet a few gems where you can have deeper conversations with, which is amazing. But quite often they will be moving on to somewhere new, or you will.
If you meet someone you really click with, be open to changing your travel plans so you can go with them (if they are okay with this of course!).
It's All On You
Planning, organising and working out every last detail of your trip can get old pretty fast. Always having to be the one to work out where to get a SIM card or where to take your laundry each time you arrive at a new place. And if you mess it up, it’s all on you.
I Repeat... It's All On You
If anything goes wrong you have to be the one to figure out how to fix it. Sometimes it’s nice just having someone else to chat through a plan or get their opinion if you’re unsure about anything on your travels.
The Benefits And Downsides Of Travelling With Friends
Some of my best travel memories are from the experiences I’ve had with friends whilst travelling. Someone to laugh, share jokes and special moments with. But I’ve had my fair share of challenging friendship moments too.

The Benefits Of Travelling With Friends
Safety First
It can be a lot safer having a travel buddy. I had my drink spiked in Malaysia and luckily my friend took charge of the situation and got me into a taxi and back to our hotel very quickly. If I had been on my own, the ending could have been vert different.
This is NOT to say you won’t be safe if you travel solo, of course it is still safe. You just have to be more cautious about your plans and who you meet.
Spread The Workload
Planning your travels can get boring but with a friend you can split the organisation and planning. Plus it’s more fun with a friend as you get excited about your trips! They also might have some good ideas that you would never have considered and this can be a great benefit to travelling with a friend.
Spread The Cost
Sharing accommodation costs and some travel costs generally work out cheaper with a buddy. You might be able to stay in nicer places too which is always a big bonus.
Share The Experience
Experiences and activities are usually more fun when you have someone to share them with and you’ll create memories for life. I’ve done snorkelling excursions on my own and it’s nowhere near as fun when you see something cool but have no one else to show.
A Special Bond
There is something special about your friendship once you travel together. Nothing bonds you more than travelling as you will experience a lot of highs and even some lows. You will create memories for life!
Travelling around Malaysia with my best friend really brought us closer together and it feels like we share a special experience that no one else can relate to. This really benefitted out friendship.
The Downsides Of Travelling With Friends
Compromise. Compromise. Compromise.
You have someone else to consider when making any plans and compromise is a big part of making the friendship work whilst travelling.
Don't Be That Annoying Friend
Friends can let us down. One minute they want to come travelling so you plan everything with them. Then the next minute they meet a hot Mexican and no longer want to continue travelling.
Alone Time Is A Luxury
It’s difficult to find time to yourself and if you’re an introvert this can be challenging. Everyone has different levels of social battery so make sure you understand each others limits before you travel. Seek space when you need to by going for a walk on the beach or having dinner separately.
Prepare For A Fallout
If you fall out or have an argument, what happens next? Do you go your separate ways? Can you work things out? No one wants drama on their travels. You should both have a plan B just in case this happen but fingers crossed it won’t.

My Other Recommendation For Travelling (Reap All The Benefits!)
If you don’t want to travel with friends but also don’t want to travel on your own then a group solo travel trip could be a great option for you. This comes with all the benefits of travelling alone AND travelling with friends. It’s a win-win!
There is more structure to your travel plans and you can have the luxury of alone time and when you’re in the mood to mingle your new travel buddies will be there. This is a great introduction to long term travel too. Here are my recommend group travel trips:
Flash Pack, ideal for 30s – 40s travel.
If you are serious about adventure, check out Life Happens Outdoors.
Check out Mar & Meg on the Solo Female Travelers blog. They share tonnes of advice, experiences and have trips specifically for solo female travellers. FYI The tours get sold out pretty fast!
There you have it, all of the benefits of travelling alone vs with friends. Although deciding between travelling alone vs with friends might seem like a big deal, and don’t get me wrong, it is. I guarantee whatever you decide you will have a great time! And who knows, you might start out travelling with friends and end up going solo for a bit. OR it’s very common as a solo travelling to make friends en-route that you end up travelling with.
Let me know in the comments what you decide, travelling alone or travelling with friends?
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