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What Should I Do While I Am Single?

Girls partying

In our 30s, life takes on a unique flavour. It’s a decade filled with self-discovery, growth, and the empowerment to make choices that align with our desires and aspirations.

For many women, this period also brings the freedom of being single, a status that can be both liberating and terrifying.

So, if you’re wondering, “What should I do when I am single in my 30s?” you’ve come to the right place.

Whether you are happy and excited to fully embrace being single or you are wishing you could find the one, we’ve got you covered.

We’re about to explore some exciting possibilities and meaningful pursuits that can make your single years in your 30s truly remarkable. From getting to know yourself better and embracing solidarity to putting yourself out there, meeting new people and maybe even finding your partner in crime, we’ve got something for everyone.

So, let’s take a look at 13 things you should do while you are single to ensure you make the most of that time in your life.

10 Things You Should Do When You Are Single

1. Travel (both solo & with friends)

Traveling is good for the mind, body and soul. You can learn so much about yourself, the world we live in and about the people around you.

Travelling solo is like having a blank canvas—you can go wherever you want, whenever you want. Traveling with friends makes for unforgettable memories and shared laughter and experiences.

Of course it is possible to travel when you are in a relationship but as a single person there is a real opportunity to embrace both solo travel where you are the captain of your own adventure.

You can see and do exactly what you want with no need to sync with anyone else. Likewise, travelling with friends as a single person is very different to doing so when in a relationship.

I was lucky to travel a lot with friends during my single years. The outrageous stories and memories we made would simply not have been possible if I had been in a relationship.

So embrace travelling, both solo and with friends when you are single.

2. Focus On Your Career

Building a successful career takes a lot of hard work and precious time. The more you can focus on your career, the faster you will be able to accelerate which will pave the way for future professional success and financial stability.

When you are single, your career can take centre stage. You can seize opportunities more easily such as being available to travel on short notice or for extended periods.

Or simply just being able to start early or work late in order to get an important project over the line. We all know that career advancement is sometimes dependent on relationship building. This can often take place after hours in social settings.

As a single person you can prioritise all of these things without the guilt that your partner is sitting at home without you. Chances are you won’t be single forever so while you are, double down on developing your career.

3. Volunteer

Wait, wait! Before you dismiss this idea, hear us out. A couple of months ago I volunteered for a few hours and I enjoyed it so much it make me question ‘Is there really such a thing as a selfless act?’.

I expected to give, I did not expect to gain however it really gave me a sense of purpose as well as the warm fuzzy feeling you get from helping others.

I realised there are ‘3 Ways Volunteering Can Benefit You AND The Cause’ and since then have done a lot more volunteering.

Although I think everyone should volunteer, it really is the perfect activity for you when you are single because you can pick volunteer gigs that align to your passions and interests but also to your schedule.

So if you have an evening or weekend where you don’t have plans and don’t want to be alone, you can give back instead. It is a great way to meet amazing people who most likely share your interests and values.

So even if you aren’t looking for love, you might just find some great friends. And if you are looking to meet someone special, this could be it.

3. Try New Hobbies

Trying out new hobbies is incredibly simple but rewarding. It can bring some excitement to your life, particularly if you are finding yourself at a loose end on weekends when your friends are with their partners.

It also gives you the opportunity to develop new skills. I don’t know about you but I love the feeling of learning something and improving at it.

And this also helps to build confidence. Who knows maybe you’ll discover a new talent you never knew you had.

New hobbies are especially great to try when you are single because firstly, you are likely to have a little more time on your hands.

You are not sacrificing time with your partner to try the new hobby. It also increases your social circle (which might help you find that special someone if you want) and helps to build confidence.

These are all things that are really great to have whether or not you are looking for a relationship and will make you a much more well rounded and interesting person.

4. Embrace & Develop Friendships

As we get older and enter our 30s, we can lose touch with old friends (I recently had this experience and was inspired to write Why We Lose Friends In Our 30s And How To Handle It).

There are many reasons why this happens but sometimes it can be because people are busy in their relationships. When you are single, this sucks!

However we all need friends. As a single person you are going to have more time to nurture your friendships without distraction.

This can lead to deeper long lasting connections that will enrich your life for years to come. And I know, maybe some of your friends aren’t available.

However if you offer to organise a dinner, lunch or weekend away, you might be surprised how many of your friends will jump at the chance.

So be the person who reaches out and embrace the friendships you’ve got!

5. Become Friends With Your Family

This might sound strange but our 30s are a fantastic time to get to know our own family better. Especially our parents and our siblings.

Growing up our parents are authoritative figures and I think it is fair to say we don’t really view them as real people.

But by the time we are in our 30s we start to realise the struggles they had and we can start to see them as people and even as friends.

And like any friendship, we need to invest time and effort to develop them so this with your family.

This is so much easier to do when you are single simply because you can easily schedule quality family time without needing to coordinate with a partners’s commitments and family too.

Stronger family connections are an invaluable source of love and support and always worth investing more time into.

6. Live Alone OR With Your Bestie

I sincerely hope that as a single person in your 30s you’ve already had the opportunity to live with your besties at some stage in your life. Maybe you are living with them right now, if so great.

If not, see if there is a way that you and your bestie can live together even just for a few months. I can speak from experience, living with my best friend for 7 years, we had the most fun you could imagine.

But we also had an amazing support system in each other and a bond that will always run deep because of it.

As a single person in your 30s hopefully you are becoming a little more financially stable and perhaps you have the opportunity to live alone.

Living solo grants you freedom and independence like nothing else. As a singleton, making this choice is a real opportunity for personal growth and development.

And obviously it is expected that you will live with your romantic partner (usually) so again you may not have an opportunity to do this ever again. Try it now, while you can!

6. Start your own business or side hustle

Starting your own business or even just a side hustle is an amazing opportunity to pursue your passions and may even lead to financial stability. Of course, it is a lot of work and it is very time consuming.

But it can also be incredibly rewarding, lead you to meet great people and develop a meaningful sense of purpose for your life. It also gives you an opportunity to have once in a lifetime experiences.

If you have any ideas at all that you’d like to pursue, do it now when you are single. You’ll have the opportunity to pour your all into this passion project without the guilt associated with neglecting your partner or sacrificing time you’d normally spend with them.

If you can get this up and running whilst you are single, you are more likely to be able to juggle it with a romantic partner when that time comes.

7. Enjoy your own company

Learn to enjoy your own company. This may sound incredibly simple but it is empowering beyond belief. Spending Time Alone Is The Ultimate Flex and allows you to embrace the person you truly are.

This will benefit you in so many ways but most of us are afraid to be alone and never take the time to embrace it.

Being comfortable in your own skin is the foundation for genuine happiness and fulfilling connections.

It can be quite challenging to carve out alone time if you are in a relationship and living with your partner. And of course there are many great things about that but there is a lack of opportunity to enjoy your own company.

So be intentional about developing this skill when you are single. It will make you an even more desirable partner when the time comes.

And it will help ensure you don’t settle for less than you deserve. That is because you will be choosing someone because you want them, you don’t need them.

8. Learn About Money

Financial literacy leads to financial security and independence. If you are single and find that you have any free time at all, learn about money.

Invest time in this subject, understand investing, saving and budgeting. Like it or not, money makes the world go round.

We all need to know about it yet no one teaches us about it. There are so many free resources out there (I like Abundantia and The Ramsey Show) so just set aside some time to figure it out.

You might be wondering why you should do this when you are single. Firstly, you might have more time.

Lots of single people in their 30s find that they have more free time and less friends available.

But more importantly, managing finances is simpler when it’s only your income and expenses to consider.

Figure out your own approach first and it will be much easier when Mr./Mrs. Right comes along.

9. Get Therapy

Yes you do need therapy, everyone needs it. But it’s ok, Therapy Is The New Norm – 3 Reasons To Rejoice.

Therapy helps you tackle personal challenges and develop resilience. It allows you to know and understand yourself. By doing this we are better prepared to deal with everything life throws at us.

By doing this during your single phase you can prioritise your mental and emotional well-being without relationship dynamics.

Therapy results in a happier healthier you. And of course, a happier, healthier you is the foundation for a fulfilling life.

10. Forget About Being Single, Focus On Being You

This is mostly for those of you who are single and don’t want to be. But remember, doing all of the things we’ve talked about already is about focusing on yourself and embracing your authenticity.

Doing this actually helps your confidence and leads you to more genuine connections. So forget about being single, focus on being you.

Do what you love. Learn the skills you want to learn. Visit the places you want to visit. The right person will cross your path when you are busy living your fullest life.

When you’re true to yourself, you attract people who appreciate and love you for who you are.

That’s A Wrap

In wrapping things up, your 30s can be an amazing period of self-discovery and personal growth, especially when you’re flying solo.

We’ve explored a bunch of cool experiences and opportunities that become more accessible and fulfilling during this phase of life.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all here, and your journey is uniquely yours.

Now, we’d absolutely love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, stories, and experiences with us in the comments below.

Have you gone on epic solo adventures or traveled with friends? How have you nurtured your friendships or rocked your career goals? Any newfound hobbies that have totally jazzed up your life?

By opening up and sharing your stories, you not only inspire others but also build a community of awesome individuals who can relate to your journey.

So, let’s keep the conversation going and celebrate all the fantastic adventures and growth that come with being your most authentic self.

Your insights might just be the boost someone else needs to seize the day!

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