Since the age of 5 it’s like you have been in some kind of institution. Be it school, University and work. That is 28 solid years of being on someone else’s schedule.
From a work only perspective, if you went to university you likely finished at the age of 21 and jumped straight onto the career ladder. Which means if you’re now 33 that equates to 12 years of living a 9-5 life.
In those 12 years, you will have realised that careers are not all fun and games. For the most part, jobs are a mix of mundane work combined with tight deadlines, budgets to hit and being forced to work with someone who makes your skin crawl. The effects of stress in the workplace are detrimental to our physical, emotional and metal health.
Jobs aren’t all bad and of course there are some highlights and pros. Like y’know they fund our lifestyle.
But maybe you’re feeling work burn out. Maybe you’re wondering when you are going to get to live your life by your own rules. Perhaps you are feeling lost and not sure which direction to take your career.
You could have recently lost your job and it’s making you question your next steps. Or did it suddenly occur to you that if you don’t take a career break now and wait until you retire at 66, your good years are behind you. And you might not physically be able to do what you wanted when you were younger.
Whatever your reason for wanting a career break at 33, it is valid.
Different types of career breaks at 33

A career break at 33 can look different for different people. It can depend on your financial situation, your relationship situation and what you want to get out of the career break. Here are different ways you can embrace your career break.
Back To Education
Taking a career break to go back to education is a great way to use your time off. Anything that involved bettering yourself is only going to come in handy at the end of your career break and when you start your next steps.
Long-term Travel
There are now plenty of 33 year olds (and older), taking a career break to go on an adult ‘gap year’. The best part is you’re probably better off financially now than when you were 18. So there’s no need to stay in hostels if that’s not your vibe. You might find our post: 5 Fun & Affordable Alternatives To Staying In Hostels a useful read for accommodation inspiration.
Thinking of travelling and don’t know what to start? Join our free digital nomad community!
Work Without The Career
Taking a career break doesn’t mean you have to stop working. It means releasing yourself from your current career for an extended period. Careers when you’re 33 are usually stressful, intense and full of responsibilities.
If you still want to earn money and have a normal 9-5 routine but a break from the high level jobs, you can find yourself a fulfilling job that comes with less pressure. This could be anything such as reception work or admin. Anything that doesn’t require hitting targets!
Start a business
If you’ve been itching to start your own business but can’t find the time to do it because your career has been in the way, then a career break might be just what you need to take that leap.
It’s not easy starting a business and can be just as stressful, if not more, than a career. But if you’re ready to put your all into this new venture then your 30s is the perfect time to take the risk.
Completely take a break
No education, no work, no responsibilities, no planning travel. Just waking up and doing whatever you feel like that day. BUT you should aim to get something worthwhile from your career break so ensure you have an idea of what you will get out of doing nothing.
You don’t want to get bored after the first month, you will need purpose in life. Whether that’s volunteering, helping look after your nieces or nephews or starting lots of hobbies.
The aim is not to become lazy during your career break.
How long should a career break be at 33?
3 months should be the minimum, but if you are going to give up your job you should make it worthwhile and therefore longer than 3 months. 1 whole year is ideal. It might sound like a long time but the year soon goes quickly.
Have a rough idea of what you will do after
Plans change, life changes and you never know what will happen during your career break. But you should have an idea of roughly what you will do at the end. Go back to your old job, find a new career. Start a business etc etc.
Even if what you planned at the start is unlikely to come to fruition as time goes on, having the plan is really just to get you feeling comfortable with the idea of a career break.
As humans we thrive when we have direction. So it’s comforting to know what the long term plan is but keep your after career break plans loose.
Final Thoughts On Taking A Career Break At 33
The decision to take a career break at 33 is a valid and important choice that can provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. As well as a much needed reset that your mind and body is craving. It provides an opportunity to discover more about yourself and the next stage in life without the constant pressure of work and a career.
It allows you the time and space to just be.
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